Por Hüga Technology
Construcción Modular

Future is: industrialization and digitization.

The construction industry plays a fundamental role in the economy of any country. Yet, it's hard to understand why its productivity continues to decline relative to other industries.

The lack of both industrialization and digitization of construction companies are amongst the determining factors. While other sectors already adopted the benefits and guide lines of 4.0 industry, construction continues to struggle with a 1.0 industrialization, producing by hand in almost all its areas.

Further analysis from McKinsey suggests that the growth of digital construction could pull the industry out of its four-year economic slump plagued by rising costs and labor.

In a post-COVID scenario where the economy shows improvement at interesting levels, where people’s income increases and where a large demographic is interested in accessing a home, there are minimal offers that provide adequate answers in terms of time, costs and quality.

How can we allow the construction industry inefficient in the face such a demand? How is it possible that our industry uses 800% more labor in the construction per square foot than the automotive industry uses in manufacturing the same surface of a car? How is it possible for the waste in any construction to account for so much of the cost? How is it possible that in 90% of the homes the expected deadlines are not met and what to say about the cost overruns that can reach as high as 25%?


There are companies that present solutions to achieve the digitization and industrialization of construction in an easy and orderly manner within a short period of time. Hüga Technology, winner of the NAHB Global Innovation Award 2021 is one of them, offering its partners the most innovative, reinforced concrete based modular construction technology in the world.

The housing sector is primordial to the US economy. The gap between supply and demand continues to grow, a situation that frustrate those interested in buying their home, as well as the builder who, with their current construction methods, sees the opportunity flying away.

According to THE STATE OF THE NATION'S HOUSING 2021 of the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University: An expanded supply of for-sale homes would help to slow the meteoric rise in house prices, but new construction also has to pick up substantially to keep homeownership relatively affordable.

At Hüga Technology we are committed to face and find solutions to these problems. We offer companies and professionals our modular construction technology in reinforced concrete. Hüga Technology received the award of most innovative construction technology on the planet, within the framework of the GIA Global Innovation Award of the NAHB.

With the implementation of our construction technology, founded on modern construction methods and World Class Manufacturing, we can reach levels of efficiency never before seen by traditional construction.


The question is not whether you can afford to invest in new technology that will improve your company's productivity this year. It's whether you can afford not to. 

Here's another great article about the construction industry.

>> Desperate for 5,200,000 new homes. <<

We thank you for reading this far and if you want to know more about this and many other topics regarding the construction industry, its pain points and how to overcome them click on the link below. We also invite you to learn more about Hüga construction technology, which contemplates  construction systems adaptable to the timeline of the builder who implements them.

Be part of the Hüga evolution.


Pol of the day.

Have you invested in the digitization of your company in the last year?



Construcción Modular

Tecnología diseñada
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