Por Hüga Technology
Construcción ModularGeneral

Modular Industrialized construction, achieve the efficiency of the most develop industries.

The construction industry seems to be waking up after so many years, don’t you agree?

While other industries such as aerospace, automotive or telecommunications advanced continuedly and by great leaps, assuming the technological and digital challenges imposed by the world today, construction decided to stagnate and continue producing with the same methods and materials for centuries.

Today’s reality is changing, the construction industry is on its way to evolve, innovating in its processes, mitigating environmental impact, increasing its efficiency and lowering costs and deadlines.

Hüga Technology.

The future of modular concrete construction.


The big question is how can we stay ahead of the competition?

Now more than ever we have the opportunity for radical change. The demand for homes, schools, and other types of construction continues to grow with no solution in sight.

It is necessary to take a step forward and evolve from a traditional on-site construction to an off-site model, adopting a more efficient industrialized production.

A report dedicated specifically to modular construction by McKinsey Global Institute states that many professionals, construction companies and developers have started this process or are already planning to in the near future.

Modular construction:

From projects to products


The current scenario shows that conditions are in place for the construction industry to make a superlative leap forward and increase its production and efficiency levels. It’s time for industrialized modular construction.

One of the recurring problems in construction, specially in recent years has been the lack of labor. This problem still persists and everything suggests that it will increase in the years to come, as stated by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) (https://www.agc.org/) in one of its latest reports.

Today we are faced with an overloaded workforce, causing project delays and higher costs, as reflected in surveys.

Industrialized modular construction will mitigate this problem. For the vast majority of construction technologies that provide an industrialization in their processes, specialized labor is not necessary. People with little or no experience in construction will be able to occupy positions in factories. Automation, real-time and cloud monitoring of tasks and working in controlled environments allow achieving quality levels, in record time and at a very low cost, impossible to achieve with traditional construction methods.

The construction industry must resolve unsatisfied demands in the short term. Today we have various construction technologies that will allow us to achieve results, producing affordable and quality constructions, within very limited deadlines.

The question is not whether you can afford to invest in new technology that will improve your company's productivity this year but rather you can afford not to?

Thank you for reading this far and we leave you with a short form for more information on this and many other subjects regarding the construction industry pain points, click in the link below.


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Construcción Modular General

Tecnología diseñada
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